
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Starting on a journey

To all the book lovers and book worms out there,

Welcome to my world, a world where books are not : 
  •                 Always viewed as a source of useful knowledge
  •                 A weight in a backpack or handbag (depends on the book ...)
  •                 A way to knock out someone (again, depends on the book or books)
  •                 A good replacement for a paper press (never)
  •                 Or even to some people, a waste of paper L

To me, a book is much more.  It is the first item I reach for when I wake up (after my glasses) and the last one I touch when I go to bed at night. Books have always been a part of my life and I strongly believe they always will.

The book universe is where I go when I want to shut everything out, draw back and lose myself.  Whether I feel happy, alone, sad, annoyed, angry, mad, pissed or beyond pissed, I know that I will always find comfort in the words written on the page... and either a good glass of wine or a hot and strong cup of tea of coffee J

As to what I read, well aside from classics like Jane Austen/Dumas and Jules Verne, my choices span from one end of the specter to the other : bestsellers and fictions, mysteries such as Conan: Doyle, without forgetting science fiction like Georges R.R. Martin, nonfiction such as Eat,Pray,Love and even teen literature.

And if you are wondering:

Am I just yet another book blogger who will pour her feelings and opinions (either good or bad) about the books she reads?
Truthfully, I DON’T KNOW! 

I haven’t consulted any other book blogs to build mine and I do not pretend to be a renowned book critic either. I’m just someone who loves books. And since reading and buying books is sort of a compulsion for me, my friends thought that I should have other people than me benefit from my extensive “reading experience” shall we say.

Because yes, reading and book shopping truly is a compulsion. I have over 50, maybe even 100 books (I haven’t counted lately) waiting for me at home and yet, I still borrow some at the local library and buy them by the dozen.  Hell, I even have a “book shopping list” like people have a grocery, CD or DVD shopping list. But enough about that for now ...

As to the book critics this blog will feature, I will not make any promises of any kind.
                Will everybody like it?  Probably not!
                Will people hate it (or hate me for that matter) for giving an honest (and sometimes even crude) point of view about what I read?  It is to be expected!

The only thing I will say is this:
  • I will try to be as assiduous to this blog as I can, but as it is a first for me, please be understanding.
  • I will not read a book that I do not want to read or that I am not curious or intrigued about.  It needs to appeal to me, not imposed.
  • If it takes me more than one try to read it from cover to cover, you’ll know.
  • If I linger on a book a long time or if I have the read tedious, you will be aware of it.
  • I will try and be as transparent and as true to myself as I can be when criticizing the works of other, while always remembering that I am not an author nor do I work in the editing or communication business.
So, let my journey into the blogging world begin... J First on the list, will be the book that finally started me on this blog : “The End of Your Life Book Club” the non-fiction by Will Schwalbe.  So tune in next time for the critic.